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ArmorFlex® Films & Flexible Isolators

The premier film for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical powder handling.
Using single-use technologies to achieve continuous manufacturing has long been a goal of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers. At ILC Dover, we have focused on developing premier films for a wide array of powder handling and containment needs. As a result, our engineers developed ArmorFlex® Films, designed and proven to provide unmatched performance characteristics while increasing handling speed and safety. ArmorFlex® Films are regulatory friendly, slip-agent free, and custom-formulated to deliver superior elongation performance (nearly 500%) for ruggedness and high strength. As with most films, other components help produce the film and provide desired physical properties and performance characteristics. However, at ILC Dover, only components that meet the materials-of-contact test protocol requirements are used.
The ArmorFlex® Family of Films
The ArmorFlex® Family of Films includes ArmorFlex® 110 and ArmorFlex® 114, which deliver permanent static dissipative properties and meet FDA and EU regulations for food contact and EP test conditions. ArmorFlex® 113 offers superior visual clarity, making this the clear film of choice for flexible enclosures and flexible isolators.

Why ArmorFlex® Films from ILC Dover?
Designed for Powders
Antistatic Film
Full Regulatory Compliance
High Film Strength
Superior Visual Clarity
Unique Properties
Flexible containment isolators, also known as glove bags, for safe and quick pharma and biopharma processing in high containment.
After twenty years of designing and building custom isolators solutions for powder containment, our engineers have compiled standardized flexible containment isolators that meet the vast majority of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical processes. All component materials meet FDA standards, and the designs accommodate cGMP regulations as well as operator ergonomics. These standardized, modular systems allow a quick delivery solution for handling many pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical powder handling processes. Our unmatched line of containment isolators includes the soloPURE™ flexible aseptic isolator, soloFLEX benchtop containment isolator, and soloLAB pop-up benchtop isolator.

Why Flexible Containment Isolators from ILC Dover?
High Containment
Visual Clarity
Range of Motion
Fast Installation
Single-Use Disposable
Frames constructed of 304 stainless steel
All surfaces have a 2B finish
Product contact components constructed of 316 stainless steel
Flexible enclosure made from ArmorFlex® 113 Film
Drum rings and canisters use ILC Dover multiple O-ring connectors